Sally Warring’s Pondlife: popularizing protists on social media platforms

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Date(s) - 09/29/2016
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Shevchenko Scientific Society


Opening Our 2016-17 Program of Lectures and Workshops

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Meet, hear and discuss with Sally Warring, the bright and engaging protistologist and New York University biology graduate student, who’s been attracting admiring attention for her work documenting protists as conveyed via her ‘ Pondlife ‘ Instagram page, Twitter feed, and website.  Warring has merited major media features on  New Zealand Television (she’s a Kiwi), and in America’s Atlantic magazine, Village Voice, and the New York Times. In our 2016-17 season’s inaugural event Sally Warring opens with her background and her professional research, then continues about her philosophy and objectives reflected in her social media project, ‘Pondlife.’

Warring will demonstrate  portable microscope systems interfaced to her smartphone, and will stream ‘live pondlifeing’ to  Shevchenko Scientific Society’s very large screen.

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Join in this wonderful opportunity to meet, learn and talk with Sally Warring, an intrepid bioluminary!

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